Program Overview


Conventional wind profile monitoring is mainly based on multi-beam inversion calculations, with the assumption that the horizontal wind field is uniform. However, in complex terrains such as mountainous areas or cities, the horizontal wind field is often non-uniform, especially near the surface layer. Therefore, when detecting complex surfaces, complex algorithms are often required to eliminate turbulent data. The "Virtual Tower (VT)" technology, based on the collaborative observation of three LiDAR wind measurement systems, does not require the assumption of a uniform horizontal wind field. It can detect high-altitude wind fields in complex underlying surfaces.

Wind Measurement Network in Complex Terrain

Features of The Scheme


  • Multi-lidar coordination

    Multiple LiDAR coordinated observation to improve observation coverage and data reliability.

  • Comparison and Verification

    Comparison with vertical LiDAR to verify the accuracy of synergistic observation data.

  • Complex terrain adaptation

    The solution is highly adaptable and can overcome the challenges posed by complex terrain.

Application Cases


Wind Measurement Network in Complex Terrain -Application
Wind Measurement Network in Complex Terrain -Application
Wind Measurement Network in Complex Terrain -Application