Program Overview


Wind power prediction is one of the key technologies that urgently needs in-depth research in the large-scale grid integration and development of wind power. Based on the high-precision meteorological observations of the wind farm using Doppler lidar, combined with physical simulation calculations and statistical methods, it is possible to provide short-term forecasts of the wind conditions at the wind farm and predict the power generation of the wind farm, meeting the requirements of the power dispatching department.

Wind Power Prediction

Features of The Scheme


  • Cost reduction and efficiency enhancement

    Replacing traditional meteorological towers, significantly reducing construction and maintenance costs, and achieving the data requirements for regional three-dimensional wind measurement and accurate power generation forecasting for wind farms.

  • Supporting the safe and stable operation of the power grid

    The strong robustness of wind measurement LiDAR reduces the impact of wind power volatility, intermittency, and randomness on the grid system, supporting the safe and stable operation of the power system.

Application Cases


Wind Power Prediction-Application
Wind Power Prediction-Application
Wind Power Prediction-Application
Wind Power Prediction-Application